After PM Modi, BJP minister cracks joke on mental health

Days after PM Modi used dyslexia to mock Rahul Gandhi, Bihar Health Minister Shri Mangal Pandey of BJP, yesterday on 9th of March, made an insensitive remark on mental illness, at an event on mental health. Mr Pandey, in a jape, compared a person inattentive towards his work to a person suffering with mental illness,... Continue Reading →

The Scariest Movie You’ll Watch in 2017

The movie, The Stanford Prison Experiment is docudrama based on the psychological experiment, conducted in 1971. The experiment intended to examine the source of abusive behaviour in the prison system, and was planned to continue for 2 weeks, though was shut down only in 6 days, because the supposed-to-be simulated prison had turned into a real one. The film takes you to the experiment as it unfolds in front.

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